Marked trees

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    Big Trees Park lost a dear tree.

    “The Pioneer Cabin tree has fallen! This iconic and still living tree – the tunnel tree – enchanted many visitors. The storm was just too much for it.”

    As posted on Facebook from Calaveras Big Trees Association


    We called PG&E for two dead trees on our lot and an adjacent empty lot. THEN they came and marked them for felling. One so far has been taken down. There is a process for this…you need to call them, they come out, you sign a paper okaying the work and return it. Also, there is a program for removal, otherwise it’s up to you to remove or cut up what they take down. It is not automatic that they remove the tree. That is a separate program you need to sign up for…at least that is the process we are dealing with starting back in summer. Just be patient…millions of trees are dead on the western slope. Hoping none come down with this storm!


    Thanks Caleach. That’s sort of what I figured. By the look at my tree, I’m sure that it only started to ‘turn’ a couple of months ago, maybe less. I was on-hold with PGE’s Debris Management Program yesterday for over 10 minutes before I gave up. I’ll try back again earlier in the morning next week to see if I can request them to have their sub inspect our tree.

    It’s awfully scary out there looking at how quickly these trees are dying.


    PG&E has had a subcontractor mark trees that pose a risk to power lines. The markings indicate the size of the tree and a priority for getting them taken out. After they are felled another company comes in and removes the logs.

    This has been a somewhat continuous process because even after they have canvased an area and marked all the trees for action, some are still dying so they have been coming back and back.


    I believe the number of X’s indicates the size of the tree


    These are the markings of PG&E.


    Hi All,

    While walking around our neighborhood (Hokan Circle) I noticed a lot of trees marked with a number and then an ‘X” or two or three. Then I noticed that they were all on dead pines. The marks looks to be from the same person. Was there a recent survey of our area by the USFS or PG&E.

    I also had just noticed that one our few pine trees is looking like it’s turning brown, but it was not marked. Maybe it just started to turn as I hear the bark beetle disease is quick acting.

    Is there an upcoming planned logging for all these marked trees (I’ve been reading up about PGE’s Debris Management Program).


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