Squirrel Mania

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    I also have seen many more squirrels and types of squirrels at my place. My guess is that they cleared a lot of forest nearby and drove them out.


    They are eating through our little guest house. We swear they sit in the tree and laugh at us. Help!


    Funny, I noticed the same thing last weekend when I was up there. We only have a couple of pines left on our property but I saw a lot of half eaten cones one day, then they were gone the next. Some just sitting on rocks like a dinner plate. Maybe all the leftover healthy pine trees are developing extra cones and that’s attracting the squirrels?


    What is with the squirrels? They’re all over! This year is nothing like any other. It used to be only pine needles being the primary clutter on the property but now it’s pine cones being chewed up and turned into sticky (sap) trash all over the lot. And they drop dead branches from high above! Watch out.

    Anyone else dealing with this and if so, what approach are you taking?


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