Deck Permit

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    @Camp_Con – Any recommendations for engineering?

    Seems like your previous owner should have been responsible for a permit on your deck unless he or she disclosed that it was built without a permit when they sold it.

    As for our place, it had a deck at one time but it was hit a tree and rather than fix it, the previous owner had it removed. The previous deck also had several dry-rot issues.

    Actually since there was a deck before and I replaced it with a deck the same size and up to code, I wasn’t expecting to need a permit. Most of the decks around here are about ready to fall down. Go figure….


    The building department website has a lot of good information and I used it extensively when drawing my plans. Here’s the deck link:

    main page:
    click on “building specifications”


    When I built my cabin about 10 years ago I drew up the plans myself without an engineer (except the trusses…the truss company gave me the drawings for those and I pasted it in) and they were accepted with only one minor modification. If the inspector said your deck looked okay and met code, you could try and draw up what you have done and submit it. I did my plans with a graphic arts program but I was aware of hand drawn plans being approved.


    Oh, wait, you’re primary residence isn’t in Calaveras county? You may be taxed without representation, but that doesn’t stop you from contributing to the campaign of someone who represents your interests.
    There’s a runoff election in November. Vote with your wallet!


    This is why we need a change in county supervisors. Let’s start taxing the large property owners / ranchers / loggers rather than trying to balance the budget off the backs of home owners who just want to improve the safety of their homes.

    Camp Con

    Also, be sure to shop around for the engineering part of the plans. Some engineering firms can be very expensive- which I discovered.

    Camp Con

    The same thing happened to me, except for the nosy neighbor part. Mine was deck built without a permit by a former owner. Bottom line, the county is looking to sponge-up money any and every way possible.


    I built a 10 x 10 deck and my nosy neighbor with a cabin that looks like crap called the county and complained. The inspector thought the deck was well built and met all codes. However, his boss called me and said I need to get a permit. So that means I need my deck engineered and some plans submitted. Any suggestions for an engineer and getting plans drawn?


    As for my neighbor, I don’t get mad. I get even.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by allen.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by allen.
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