Fire Prevention Tax

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    Thanks. Do you know who to contact to change my address? I called someone once and they said it was taken care of. OK, great but I don’t think it is. I also told the county our address is up here now and they said it was taken care of too. But there seems to be a communication gap between the county and whoever send out the bills! No problem with my property tax bill though! 🙂


    We received our bill in late March and it was due in mid April. Our last name starts with B.


    When do they send out the fire prevention tax bills? They had my address wrong last year and I’m thinking they might have it wrong again. If they do it in alphabetical order, our last name starts with an ‘H.’ I always pay it online so I don’t have a record in my check book.

    Thanks for any info.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by allen.
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