Fire Prevention Tax

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    JD – The problem is the money isn’t spent for fire prevention. And, it is a tax, which requires a 2/3 majority vote in the state congress. If you want to pay an illegal tax, fine. I don’t!

    Also, plowing your driveway is a private company’s service. No law says you have to use this service. I used to plow my own driveway for at least five years. It’s not hard, but time consuming during bad winters.

    If the paint on your place wears out, you can leave it, pay someone to paint it for you, or paint it yourself.

    I do not see any connection between having your driveway plowed and paying an illegal tax forced on you!

    You’re whistling in the wind as far as I’m concerned.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by allen.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by allen.

    At what point should I raise a flag that I don’t have my fire tax bill? Seems we got it later than others last year too…

    Camp Con

    On my protest form the reason I list is that it is an illegal tax, since taxpayers were never given the opportunity to vote for or against it(which is required when other fire departments want to do the same thing).

    I favor supporting the fire protection service that covers the area. I do so by paying my regular property tax bill regularly and paying the special property tax assesment for the Ebbets Pass Fire District.

    The problem? The government is taxing us multiple times for the same thing.


    I appreciate sending in the complaint form, and plan on doing so. But what redetermination reason do you use?

    Claims that do not qualify for redetermination include, but are not limited to:
     Disputes regarding the legality of the fee
     The property is in close proximity to a local fire station or fire hydrant  Financial hardship
     The property is in a developed neighborhood or is regularly maintained.


    i received mine today. sent in the payment and also all 3 protest letters. i don’t agree with the feel. take it out of my taxes.


    Just received my Fire Prevention Fee billing of $117.33 for this year. Considering the soaring costs of fighting thousands of larger and larger fires around California, this seems like a small contribution when in-fact I do willingly choose to live in the forest. I’m also not going to complain about my $590 driveway snow plow “tax”, even though my driveway has been plowed only twice so far this season.


    New email:

    New protest forms now available for 2015
    CalFire recently announced they will send a new round of fire tax bills, with counties beginning with the letter “A” receiving bills first.

    It is important you file a protest every time you pay the fire tax so that you maximize your chances of receiving a refund if the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association’s class action lawsuit currently underway is successful.

    Go to to view filing instructions and download a copy of the form.

    Although the lawsuit is moving forward slowly – partly as a result of its size and complexity and partly as a result of deliberate stalling by the state’s attorneys – another hearing has been scheduled and the public is invited to attend.

    This hearing is on our “Motion to Certify Class,” which establishes your right to be represented in the case.

    If you are interested in attending the hearing, mark your calendar with the following information:

    Hearing: Motion to Certify Class (HJTA v. CalFire)
    Date: June 12
    Time: 11:00 am
    Location: Sacramento Superior Court, Dept. 24
    720 9th St, Sacramento, CA 95814


    We just received ours as well and while I don’t question the need for additional fire protection resources, in fact I support the local fire station every year, but I do despise the way the state passes along the cost.


    I put a note on the petitions letting them know what was actually on the bill, for period 07/01/14 – 06/30/15. I guess they can figure it out. I have a copy of what I sent. I also sent the petitions to all three agencies:

    1. Fire Prevention Petitions, P.O. Box 2254, Suisun City, CA 94585
    2. Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94244
    3. Board of Equalization, P.O. Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279


    Looking at the current bill, the period shown is 07/01/14 – 06/30/15.

    This appears to be an error in the bill, dated March 5,2015.


    Anyone else gotten their Fire Prevention Tax bill? We just got ours on Friday. It seems the Petitions on the Jarvis website are not up to date. They have fiscal year 2013-14, but not 2014-15. My bill says “For the Period 07/01/14 – 06/30/15.” ???

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by allen.
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