We installed three venting skylights and they are awesome to vent out our cabin. Plus they add more light. They are definitely more expensive but when hey are all the way open, the temperature in the cabin drops at least ten degrees.
Our cabin has an attic. The trusses are “scissor” trusses so there’s a couple of feet between the ceiling and the roof in the center (an attic). So the air is pulled out of the cabin (with a couple windows open) and into the attic, where it leaves through side vents and a gable vent. Without an attic, I don’t know how it would work. Some of the air goes out through the ridge vents. Is that what you mean by roof line venting?
This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by allen.
I was told one year that because of the roof line venting that this out have to be closed off for the fan to work properly. Does this sound reasonable?
I installed my own a few years ago. I would highly recommend one of theses QuietCool systems. I love ours. Extremely quiet and works very well. However, they are “pricy” but well worth it in my opinion. Sorry, but I don’t have any contractor recommendations.