Frank doesn’t take down trees, but he has crews that can do lot clearing and other maintenance jobs. I’ve used Scott Ball from Twain Harte several times to take down trees- he’s good, reliable, and reasonably priced. 209-586-4149.
He’s cleared the slash and cut and stacked sections of the logs- I’m not sure if he would take all the wood.
This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Dacmill.
Dorrington Realty has a list of services and he is on the list under Handyman.
Remove the *
I was going to rent a splitter last summer, but realized for about fifty bucks more than a one-day rental fee, I could hire a couple of guys who brought a splitter- the two of them split and stacked way more wood than I ever could. I used Frank Stone.
I rented a log splitter from Arnold Rents. It was about $19 an hour with a 3 hour minimum. I was splitting some gnarly oak and this powerful machine worked great.
I recently had several trees taken down on our lot and had them hauled away. There was one big Black Oak that I wanted to save for firewood and asked Dave Finn to cut that one into 16 inch lengths so I could split it up for the wood stove. Well, I was delusional as most of the pieces are far more than I can handle.
My question is, does someone have a log splitter I could borrow when I’m up there next time? It would probably be mid Nov.