Lot cleaning

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    Gonzalo Barbosa cleared our lot for a fair and honest price. More than we paid in years past, but hundreds less than the folks we’d come to rely on for previous years work – which as I’d mentioned before, has bothered me a lot. He is quick to answer phone calls and deliver bids. And his work is excellent. If you can hire him, do so.


    Quality Yard Maintance
    William Heiser

    He has been very busy, put you can try calling him


    I have called 3 lot cleaning guys on the approved list and not one has bothered to call me back. What is wrong with people? They didn’t even acknowledge or bother returning a call to say they received my message. Does anyone have a lot cleaner that is absolutely responsible and will return phone calls? I will try to call this Barbarosa today. Any other names would be appreciated. I won’t name the ones I already called, but one should return their phone calls if they’re running a business. Just saying. Thanks for any suggestions.


    gagacabin, thanks for the tip on Gonzalo Barbosa! He came to our place to give an estimate the day after I called, and I thought it was a fair price. He happened to have time and be in the area the next day to do the job. Worked fast and efficiently to haul everything away. I’ll definitely use him again.

    rswheeler1, Dan Lamm got back to me, but said he could not take on more customers this year. He seems like a very considerate, professional guy, and I can understand why you’d want to use him.

    It sounds as if lot cleaners have been really pressed this year to find places that will take their debris. (It’s one reason why prices are up.) I’m afraid if the County does not help resolve this issue and find places for commercial lot cleaners to dispose of their green waste, there will be less lot cleaning (and more fire risk), or more dumping debris in the forest, or both. Given some of the untended burn piles I see, and the smoke that billows around the neighborhood sometimes, I’m not sure we want to leave onsite burning as the only alternative.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by MileHigh.

    We just got an estimate from a firm that has cleared our .75 acre lot for a couple of years. It’s doubled from last year’s rate of $400 to over $800. Yes there was snow this year. But this seems like a complete rip-off. I live out of state but have been committed to supporting the local community since we had to move. This time? Cheaper to fly out and do the work ourselves. Disappointed. And it hurts to not be in a position to hire locally.


    I just watched 3 guys remove a huge, giant pile of leaves, branches needles etc on our web cam. Wow, they did a great job. Even used a leaf blower and blew off the driveway and around the area where the pile was. Very reasonable priced.
    I highly recommend Gonzalo Barboza 209 822 8204
    I think we will call him and see what other services he does.


    After doing the clean-up and bin renting/filling for several years, we decided a few years ago to just do all the raking into piles, and then hire people to come take it away. They do the job in about 20 minutes or less, and prices have been $110-180 for my level one-third-acre lot, so not that much more than renting two bins. (Level is key, since they load the piles onto tarps and haul them by hand to a truck on the street.) It’s a LOT easier than my transporting the needles to the bins in a wheelbarrow and stuffing them down, which got harder after I didn’t have two teenage sons to help.
    The problem this year is that I can’t find anyone to do it. I’m working my way through the 2016 list that I found online, and a few people have gotten back to me, but no one can fit me in. I try to be a no-hassle customer, I don’t mind waiting until later in the Spring, and I pay people right away, but that’s not helping.
    I’ll probably get a yellow notice again this year, while I’m waiting to find someone. The inspectors see all of my neat raked piles ready for hauling and evidently think I’m just going to spread it all back where it came from.


    We’ve just rented two handy haulers to fill with our needles… Now I need to plan some filling meals and grab the beer. I wonder what the ballpark costs are to have someone else do the work next year. After bins, gas to get there, bonus food, would I be better off supporting the local economy by hiring workers to do it?

    Anyone care to share bid amounts? We’ve got ~1/4 acre that maybe fills two handy haulers.


    Talked to Rawley and he plans to open May 5th.


    Does anyone know if the Camp Connell Yard Waste dump is going to be open this year?

    Grandpa Coffee

    Joan Lark at EPFD in Arnold has just competed a list of qualified lot cleaners. Give her a call.


    There is a list of current contractors on bigtreesvillage.org. Click on the Fire Safety Regulations button (big red one on the home page) and look for the link to the contractor list under “How to get rid of my yard waste” section.
    We just provide the list and make no judgement as to the quality of work so do your due diligence when hiring someone.


    I’ve used Dan Lamm for several years. Does really good work at a good price.


    It’s that time of year again. We are looking for someone to haul away the needles etc that we have raked into neat piles at our BTV cabin. I’ve not been able to reach the person who’s helped us before, despite leaving multiple voicemail messages. He may just be super busy, or maybe he no longer does that work.
    Anyone have a recommendation for someone who can haul away my piles?
    Thank you!


    Toby Jordan did ours. Good job, no Cal Fire inspection notice.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by ebaker.
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