Oak firewood?

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    I just received 1.5 cords of Almond from Dunlap Enterprises (Soulsbyville, 532-4974). It was half of a 3 cord order that I split with a list member. Having been shorted badly by my vendor last year (Kate/James from Copperopolis), I was pleased to see that this load was generous! Cord measure is highly dependent on how carefully the load is stacked so it is an inherently inaccurate measure. With this in mind, I will say that my 1.5 cord was probably closer to 2 cords! Cost was $420 which included my half of the delivery charge.


    i know Jas has a job in the summer so he doesn’t deliver wood. i wanted more too and would have had to go pick it up myself. he said he would be doing it again in the fall.


    There’s also, seen this weekend, some rounds roadside on Natchez and Meko with “free” signs. Meko rounds looked maybe small enough to burn as is, Natchez rounds would need to be split. We’ve got enough so didn’t stop.


    So, we have compiled a full 3-cord load from the Dunlops, 532-4974. However, Mike, at 890-3295, would like to go in and split delivery charges if any other neighbors are interested. Give Mike a call!


    Thanks, tortuga, for the tip. I have spoken with her (Julie), and she indicates she has lots of seasoned oak. I plan to get a cord; if anyone else would like to get firewood from this person, and split the $40 delivery fee with me, I would appreciate it. My phone is 795-6746.


    Try this one, three of us each got a cord and split the delivery fee. Doesn’t need to be your next door neighbor, just another BTV cabin. We got ours delivered about 3 weeks ago, they were busy, but still had wood…

    oak $260 almond $270
    delivery $40, up to 3 cords, 3 addresses is fine
    209 532-4974


    I’ve tried calling Douglas Flat number above, who delivered split oak to us last fall. At first, the call would fail. Today, there is a message saying, “The person you are trying to reach is not currently accepting calls. Please try again later.” I was not happy with the oak I got from him (didn’t seem at all seasoned to me; only burned on a really hot fire), but thought I’d give him another try because…

    I’ve also been unsuccessful in getting a return call from Jas, who delivered beautiful, dry, good-burning oak to me this spring. But I’ve left multiple messages for him by phone, and tried contacting him via email, but he will not respond.

    What gives? Why is is so difficult to get oak this year, when it seemed abundant last year? Even just a few months ago. I’ve got a message in to Zwart’s, Hopefully they will respond. I prefer to deal locally, but so far, no joy.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by MCT.

    A guy in Douglas Flat has split rounds of oak for $275 delivered.  209-728-7917

    We didn't use him as we'd already found a source when he called back, but in case someone else is in need, give him a call!


    I just had a cord of Lodge Pole Pine with a small amount of Oak mixed in delivered by Mountain Maintenance in Arnold.

    I've never burned this type of wood, but it's hard, dry and barkless. Very clean with no limbs. He said he'll have more Oak in next week. He also has dry Cedar.

    Wayne Varn is the contact person at 209-795-1666. I called at 10:00 AM and he delivered  at 4:00 PM the same day.

    He's also in the Big Trees Directory.


    I left a second message yesterday — still no return call.  Out of wood?  too busy?

    I'm trying other places… happy for other oak or almond leads.


    Yes I'm B&T's Neighbor.


    no call back yet.

    Eric – are you B&T's neighbor?
    ndamico – almond can be split rounds.  interesting that you got all branches. Thanks for the beta.  I'll ask before I get a load!
    pcoberly – got your PM, let's see what Salvador has to say about delivery dates and type of wood!

    …when he calls back!


    they delivered on monday.  driver was nice. arrived early. they only have a dump bed which would have put the wood a little further away than normal when guys just huck it out the back of their truck.  the driver opted to help me so that's a plus for them.  wood seemed good and dry.

    i haven't bought almond in years but 90% of it was limbs, mostly not straight (boomerangs)  that weren't very large.  a very tiny portion was actually split rounds. harder to stack tightly so my guess is my chord of oak, while it measures the same, has much more wood than this almond.  i never thought to ask ahead of time but i'm wishing i had. i would have preferred split rounds.

    is this typical with almond? if so it will be my last time getting it.



    Sent you a private message, but just in case…
    I would be interested too. Please email me.


    I'll go in with you.  Call me.  Eric  530-219-3258

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