Thanks. I just ordered the book. I really hate it when the shipping charge is higher than the item you’re buying. Grrrrrrrrr. Book is $3.50. Shipping is $4.50. Forgot what tax was.
Omg thank you! I am going to buy this! I tried to plant poppies too, but they didn’t do well. I’m always taking pictures of the wild flowers, so I can plant them & nobody ever knows what they are.
So thank you!!!
I know this is not want you want to hear, but we have tried seeds and potted poppies (purchased form Ace) without any luck (5000′)
I also planted these in a very sunny area.
Does anyone have experience planting California (or similar) poppy seeds at this elevation? I remember seeing some blooming at Sourgrass a few years ago but don’t know if they have successfully reseeded themselves since then. My lot gets plenty of sun. The package says to sow in spring in severe winter areas but if they can reseed themselves would I be better off planting seeds now? Thanks!