Power Lines Down

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    jebediah jake

    Just wanted to pass on a positive experience that happened today. I finally made it up to clear the downed tree tops at our place and found a tree leaning on the PGE service line to our cabin. At 10 am I called PGE, and by 12 noon they were at the cabin and solving the problem. I probably got lucky because they were in the area, but regardless, a great outcome.


    Got in yesterday, about noon. House still dark! Looked around and electric panel door was open and the main switch was down (off). Put main Switch up, viola, all is working.

    Hoping no more outages.


    I arrived up here yesterday to a downed power line between the pole and the house. PG&E were johnny on the spot and got me up and running. Still some damage with some items burned out due to surges, etc.

    I still see some downed lines in the area so there is still a lot of work to do. Heavy snow bowing many trees.
    Thanks PG&E for the rapid response.


    We got a text around 6:20 last night that power was back on, but the PG&E outage line still reports it’s off. Did it go out again?


    Yahoo, power is back on at our cabin in the 3000 block of Shoshone!! Lucky for us, the webcams are both up and running, which means Comcast is working too.
    Now to go up and see if there is any damage. Good luck everyone…


    New phoned info from PGE (for my address) is projecting restored service on Thursday, and affects 489 customers.Nice to see that power has been restored to some customers. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to repair this mess. Thanks to all the pros on this job. Huge thanks!!!


    Big Trees Village is trying to tally what streets are in what condition. If you’re on Facebook, go here: https://www.facebook.com/BigTreesVillage/posts/1216118565091895

    If not, email manager@bigtreesvillage.org about what streets you have driven and what the conditions are.


    Thanks jibwaylarry the PG&E link was most helpful. Hopefully our place will get back on the grid soon!


    We gave up, Staying at Murphys Inn Motel..

    Tree went down in front of our house, pulled out the PGE wires.

    Will check each day and see if any repair.


    Just got another automated phone call; the new estimate to restore power to Jibway Drive in Big Trees is Tuesday at 3:00 pm



    I received a text from PG&E this morning saying that in our area in unit 3 they expect it to be fixed by 2:30 pm.


    I just received (Sunday, 9:30 am) the automated phone call from PGE regarding the outage on Jibway (and beyond); “the power outage caused by downed trees is expected to be repaired today by 12:00 pm.
    edit: new phone message updated the time to 3:00 pm.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by jibwaylarry.

    Here’s a PGE page to check for outages at your address. View the map, enlarge, click and drag your way around the map to your specific area. Click on the colored icon in your area (if any) and a box appears with the specifics of your adress/outage. As of 7:32 Saturday evening, 883 customers are without power, due to damaged equipment on power pole. We left our darkened Jibway cabin at 8:30 tis morning. Slow going but beautiful. https://m.pge.com/#outages

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by jibwaylarry.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by jibwaylarry.

    I drove up today to see things for myself. HYW 4 was wet pavement up to Blue Lake Springs…then packed snow. Obviously, chains required.
    El Camino Bootstrap was plowed for only a single lane ONLY….luckily, no other vehicles came by while I was there. I had to back all the way down El Camino to Boards Crossing to get out. Berm on either side of the road varied from 4 to 5 feet high.. I was there from 1 to 3pm and NO POWER…
    I drained the water, as we hadn’t done so all Winter (not recommended…but we lucked out with no frozen pipes).
    Here’s a pic taken from Boards Crossing looking south onto El Camino Bootstrap….yes, ONE LANE ONLY…;-)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Bootstrap.

    Has anyone been able to get any information about when power might be restored?

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