Propane Pricing

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  • #1598
    Robert Bansmer

    Ebbetts Pass Gas, without a doubt!


    Out last bill from Ebbetts Pass Gas was for $2.59 a gallon. They provide excellent service and are convenient to call if you need your furnace or gas water heater serviced. Their service prices are reasonable also.


    I’ve found this link to have quite a bit of useful information: You’ll find the survey of on about the 3rd link. If you look at it you’ll see wide range of prices at any given time. I was thinking that one could buy a bigger propane tank and fill it up in the summer when prices are generally lower, but I don’t think it is worth the trouble. In the end it’s like playing in commodities betting on futures. If you buy your own tank you could call around at any given time to see who has the best price, but again, that’s probably not worth the effort.


    Our last invoice from Mosbaugh Properties Inc./Ebbetts Pass Gas Service (209-795-1391) was delivered 12/31:

    101 gallon x 2.89/per gallon = 291.89 + sales tax 21.89 =313.78. EBG services have been excellent when we’ve had to call for a propane fill due to an extended stay during cold weather or even routine fill-ups.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Westlye.

    The lower pricing is what we got from EP Gas as a quote. The other local provider with our higher pricing has only 1 Yelp review and it isn’t favorable. I can’t believe they would try and get almost a dollar a gallon more, but that is what we just got charged ($3.86/gallon).


    I just checked our last bill, $2.54 per gal. Here is the number EB Gas, you may want to call them to check on their pricing. 209 795-4957.


    We recently received our propane bill (1/9) after a 130 gallon fill. We would like to know if $3.86 a gallon is in line? A relative called and we were quoted under $3/Gallon from another provider. Is our current company charging a higher rate than other providers? Any feedback on current pricing is appreciated, I understand that the prices fluctuate.

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