Suspicious person at my cabin

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    mr ellis

    I am very interested by this thread, both from the standpoint of the “prowler” as well as the technology. Are these cameras described self-installed, or is there a security service (Signal Service?) that can upgrade my basic security alarm to this level?
    Thanks for any info.


    Brian: I walked by your place again tonight ~5:30. There were 4 vehicles in/near the driveway. I assume you are in residence…at least for the weekend!


    Please don’t anyone laugh, but I installed fake cameras, along with a sign indicating that the property is monitored. They can be had on Amazon for about $12.00. I did initially install Vuezone cameras, more to look at snow conditions for my driveway and deck. However, they lasted about 5 years and went out.


    Thanks ndamico and ebaker. Yeah it is the same guy from last year and I am pretty sure he is at the house on Meko with all the vehicles and dogs.

    Lets all keep an eye out for each other. My cabin # is 795-7338. Feel free to call anytime.



    I think the problem is that if there are different people Walking around our neighborhood then we have to execcice a certain level of concern.


    If I ever get a shot of a guest stacking firewood or sweeping a deck, cameras will have been worth the trouble.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by jibwaylarry.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by jibwaylarry.

    Brian, I walked by your place Tuesday @ 5:35 pm…stopped in the U and waved at your camera(s), I think. All looked very normal.


    I thought it was a joke about ‘looking for a lost pet’.
    The guy is a classic example of ‘looking for a way in’.
    I hope someone can identify the guy which might send a message to his ‘pals’!


    if we are at our place (not far from yours Norcal311) feel free to call me and i would be happy to run over there if you see this creep again. NO WAY was he looking for a pet.. he was trying to hide behind your trees and sneaking around for sure. looks like the same guy about a year ago IIRC? maybe from the other tweaker house on meko with the small dogs that used to bark all the time?


    All my cameras “see” only my property with the exception of my driveway, which also “sees” our street. I think they are a good idea. When I’m gone, I can still see what is happening around our cabin.


    I joked before but now I am seriously considering putting more cameras up there. I wonder if we’re getting a bit paranoid or if it’s prudent measure? What I don’t want to happen is for guests who might happen to be up there on there own to get weirded out by having cameras around, seemingly spying on what they’re doing.

    How do the rest of you handle this aspect of the subject?


    He is not looking for any animals. The way he ducks behind my shed and looks very suspiciously behind him as he walks down tells me he is up to know good or avoiding someone. or a tweaker (which is not good for our area, too many of them in Arnold).

    I am also going to put a lock on my breaker box just in case my battery backup for the cameras fails if the main is shut off.

    I think I saw him at the house on Meko with all the cars and dogs.

    Let’s all stick together and keep an eye out for anything out of the norm.



    I stil wonder if this guy comes from that “project house” (or whatever it is) at the end of Meko across from the fire station (in front of the snow plow facility). I never knew for sure what it is and I still don’t. It seems like some sort of boy’s rehab center or something. There’s usually someone there working on a project. Whatever it is, it has 6 bedrooms or more and a multiple user bathroom. It was sold in 1999 and again in 2006. The address is 5505 Meko Drive. I stopped by today with picture in hand but nobody was around, although there was a pickup truck there, and a cordless phone outside like someone was doing some work.


    Just glad nothin happened.Eight cameras are a good idea. I have just two covering front and side doors. I am thinking of putting up two more to cover driveway and posting a sign too. I have stickers on almost every window. I have my dvr carefully hidden and put a small padlock on the breakers outside to make sure the system can’t be turned off or stolen. Some newer cameras sound a customizable alarm when they detect motion like a barking dog.

    We want to let thieves know that they will caught and scare them away. Catching them after the fact is too late. Home automation is awesome.


    He doesn’t look like a guy looking for a lost dog. He’s too nervous and, unless he can’t talk, he’s not calling his dog.

    NorCal’s cabin borders the forest, so maybe the guy was looking for a way to head down to the river. If so, that wasn’t a good idea either. My wife and I hiked down to Sourgrass back in 1995. Steep, steep, steep!!

    We have 8 cameras, 6 outside and 2 inside.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by allen.
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