Tree removal by road

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    Thanks for that update Dave, good to know! Now let’s hope PG&E won’t gut our neighborhood!


    We finally tracked down who was removing trees and brush by the road that wasn’t a threat to PG&E wiring. It turns out it was the county, clearing vegetation by the side of the road to facilitate their snow plowing operations. While it seems they were overly aggressive in places, we certainly do appreciate the snow plows and realize our property lines end well off the edge of the road.


    As far as I know all theology that are long and marked with an R are to be removed under the debris management program of PG&E. It just takes a little while since they are slammed. If they down a tree on your property don’t cut it up into smaller lengths thinking you are doing anyone a favor. If they are smaller than what they normally pick up they might just leave them.


    Pretty sure it was PG&E. They removed about 6 like that on my property. They only removed dead ones, but sometimes they judge small trees dead when you don’t see them being that brown. The way to tell is if the top stub branches are light green with few shoots. They only remove the ones that could fall on power lines. They just left them on my property and would not remove anything under about 12″ (can’t remember the exact dimension) in diameter.


    Might be Cal Trans…


    Thanks Mtndad for the info and PG&E was our first thought. However, we’ve seen PG&E always top trees under their power lines, not remove them and most, though not all, of the ones we’ve noticed removed would not have been tall enough to interfere with their lines, so were suspecting another agency.


    If they were tall enough to reach PGE lines, PGE had them removed. We had two removed.


    We’ve noticed walking through BTV neighborhoods that numerous smallish trees have recently been removed along the roads. These were not dead trees, and always were the ones closest to the road, although still set back a fair distance. Does anyone have information on this?

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