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    I just completed a major upgrade to the site software. It took about 20 seconds and no problems…. I sure am glad I made the switch!!!


    I know just enough about PHP to 1) get me by and 2) to be dangerous! 🙂


    The old BigTreesTech was such a hodge podge conglomerate of various components, some deeply modified, some completely written by me, that upgrades were next to impossible. At the time that I built it it was kind of state of the art in terms of integration of various components but the state of the art didn’t stand still 😉


    R.I.P. Old Site. 🙁

    I had to upgrade our (my brother and I’s) genealogy website a couple of weeks ago too because of the PHP upgrade. Luckily it went smoothly.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by allen.

    For what it’s worth, as of this morning at 7:30 AM, the old site would have stopped functioning.



    Thanks again for all your work on this, it’s a valuable service to all of us in BTV. Some day I’d like to meet you and get a small sampling of what you go through to keep this site running. I consider myself moderately computer literate but find that as time goes by I am falling further behind.

    I really appreciate the talent that goes into this type of venture.



    One of the things I like the most about the new website is that it is so much easier to maintain. Since the switch-over there have been several upgrades to the primary software package as well as other elements. Today, upon request (aka threat) from our web-host, I even upgraded to a new version of the computer language (PHP) that makes this whole thing work. All of these upgrades have been smooth, easy, and virtually unnoticeable from the outside.
    OH, and we’re now over 14,500 automatically blocked spammers.
    If I had had to change the version of the computer language with the old site it might have taken weeks to get it running and it would probably have resulted in switching to what we have now, just with a lot more frustration and down time!

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