Yellow Pages

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    None on Hokan Circle. I picked them up this afternoon and will send them to Mr. Kaun tomorrow if I can mail them as “media mail.” Signing up to “opt out” is total BS and if they think they can get away with this, we’ll see.

    If I have to send them non-media mail, then perhaps small claims court will determine who pays the postage and gasoline I used to pick them up. A nice trip to Fresno would be nice anyway. My cousin lives in the area and my mother and father are both buried in Exeter, CA (south of Fresno).

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by allen.


    Has anyone seen any of the directories picked up??
    They are still in the driveways near me.
    Snowshoe, Indian Rock and many more streets.

    baritone uke

    Good Day,

    Your emails has been shared with upper management.
    The fastest way to opt out of any directories delivered to your area is to register at
    Thank you,

    Dave Kaun


    I received a similar response to my email message to them.


    I received the same email here. At least they seem to be cooperative.


    I’m in Blue Lake Springs and just received a similar message.


    email just received:

    Thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention. We have notified the company that delivers the directories of the concern, and they have agreed to drive back through your area and pick up any unclaimed directories that remain on driveways. They have already started the pick ups, and estimate that they should be completed by next Wednesday. Although we are confident they will do so, if for some reason a directory remains on your driveway after that time, please notify us and we will see to it that it gets picked up promptly.

    Valley Yellow Pages regrets any inconvenience this situation has caused. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 350-8887.

    Charlene Roland
    Customer Service
    Valley Yellow Pages
    1850 N. Gateway Blvd. Fresno, CA 93727
    800-350-8887 ext. 332
    559-453-1951 – Fax | |


    I have also sent an email to them demanding that I be put on a do not distribute list.


    A suggestion and only a suggestion is if Sandi contacts them and offers to pick up all books FOR A FEE at say $25.00 an hour, maybe this will entice further action.


    My email correspondence with
    Good Morning Allen,

    We will gladly come back and collect the phone directory delivered to your home. Please provide your address so we may complete your request.
    Thank you,

    Dave Kaun

    The problem is we don’t get mail delivery up here. Everything via USPS goes to our PO box, not our physical address. By leaving these phone books in everyone’s driveway, it’s like an invitation for kids (or adults) to break in to our homes. Most of these homes are not full time residents but rather vacation homes. Some people only come up once or twice a year. We have NEVER had anything left in our driveway without prior permission. Not only that, we value our community and these phone books in driveways make the area look “trashy.”

    I have personally tossed your Yellow Pages in the junk that was left in our driveway, but other homes up here still have your books lying in their driveways. Not only that, they (the Yellow Pages) are actually on county property since the first twenty feet from the streets is an easement owned by the county of Calaveras. If they are not removed from
    all driveways, I will contact the county and see what they suggest. Unfortunately I found that small claims courts are ONLY for monetary damages , so it’s not feasible for me to try that route. I might add that other residents up here, whether full time or part time, are furious about you leaving the Yellow Pages in our driveways without permission.

    Mr. Allen,

    Thank you for your information and perspective. We will investigate the matter further.
    Thank you,

    Dave Kaun


    This could possibly be considered a county code violation. When gardeners used to come through our neighborhood in San Jose, tossing plastic bags containing rocks and a business card on to our driveways, the neighborhood residents complained to county code enforcement and the practice came to a stop.
    Calaveras county code enforcement web site is:
    Probably couldn’t hurt to fill out and send the complaint form even though it may not be a direct safety issue.


    Here’s what I sent:


    Someone dropped off your Yellow Pages at vacation homes in Camp Connell, CA. Either come back and pick them up or I’ll see you in small claims court!



    Thanks Sandi! I agree with mtndad but if you’re willing to do it, thanks in advance. I will also contact the email address mtndad posted. Sandi, no problem with my driveway, but a lot of people just come up once or twice a year. I mean it’s a problem that they left them, but I will take care of ours.


    File your complaint and require immediate pickup of ALL books left on driveways at

    I suggested they be picked up no later that Friday.

    I don’t think Sandi should be responsible to pick up the books.


    Noticed them yesterday. This is bad news. Let me know if you’d like me to pick it up from your driveway. No charge community service: sandi at

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