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InactiveQuote:I have not found any ticks or fleas on our cats or dogs except for when we take the dogs down the hill. After a short walk with the dogs at glory hole a while back I think I must have found 20 ticks on them.There are a lot of ticks on the Twin Bridges trail near New Melones Reservoir. They are not deer ticks, but rather American Dog ticks. Dogs aren't supposed to be on the trail anyway, but we didn't know that until we came back. Dogs were full of ticks and my wife had one too! I think it was in the spring.
InactiveAnother issue for dogs is heartworm. Our vet said exposure is more likely in the mountains than on the coast where we live. Definitely a lot more mosquitoes up here.
InactiveAbbots has been pretty good, but keep an eye on the weather, the more snow the more notice to give them.
InactiveLaws' guide to the Sierra Nevada, not sure of the exact title, is indispensible for common plants, birds, and other wildlife. Beautiful illustrations and brief natural history notes. Everyone should have a copy. Good size for carrying around or including in your day pack. Author is John Muir Laws, most any bookstore should stock it.
InactiveWe've used Abbots for the last two years for one-shots and they are great. As weekenders, we arrive late on a Friday. I just tell them when I'm showing up, and the driveway is clear. I've even had them do a second plow over the weekend with just a phone call, or panicked waive at the end of my driveway.
KeymasterLast winter was a ridiculously light snow year. We could easily have four times the amount of snow next year. Just in the last 7 years I've seen berms on the sides of the roads nearly 8 feet tall. The first winter I came up here we got 6 feet of snow in 4 days.
InactiveHello all, I tried to use a verizon network extender and the use of it is still not licensed in GSC. Hope that helps.
InactiveDo you mean the meadow behind the Dorrington Hotel/Lube Room?
InactiveWe use Rowleys. Very happy.
InactiveHad a contract with Abbots last winter. was very happy. this winter i'm thinking of giving it a go on my own with my 4 wheeler and plow. it may be a bad idea but i at least want to try it
. worst case i'll hire someone to do a 1 shot here and there. does anyone have experience with one vendor over another for 1 shots?
Inactivei just contracted Canton to do the job. Tried to get Berger to give me an estimate but he must be busy as i got an initial call back but not on any of my subsequent ones.
KeymasterI have not found any ticks or fleas on our cats or dogs except for when we take the dogs down the hill. After a short walk with the dogs at glory hole a while back I think I must have found 20 ticks on them.
InactiveSnowshoe, FWIW, in 10 years of checking our dog (and ourselves) for any sign of ticks, I have yet to find one. Good question though.
InactiveBest way to know about risks in this area is to call the local vet's office. I would suggest calling Arnold Pet Clinic (209) 795-4471 or any other local vet listed. They can tell you what you need know about protection and prevention.
May I also suggest, If you are a part-time resident, that you make an appointment with a local vet so they start a file on your pet (medical and micro chip info) so if anything happens, you have the closest support.Anonymous
InactiveWindshied had alot of ash on it this am.