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  • in reply to: Tree services #5367

    Any recommendations other than A-1? I have called them several times and they don’t seem to be answering their messages these days.

    in reply to: Needle Clean up #5366

    Just called Rowely’s number this morning. The voice mail message cut off early, but the last word I heard was “16th”, so am assuming that means May 16th they will be open.

    in reply to: Needle Clean up #5365

    Coming up the weekend of May 20th to rake the lot.
    Do any of you know if the place on the north side of Camp Connell will be taking yard waste on that weekend? If not, do any of you know where I can dispose of the needles without burning them?

    in reply to: 2 Skidoos and tilt trailer for sale #5364

    These snowmobiles have been sold.

    in reply to: Camp Connell Store #5363

    The original post is a bit puzzling to me. I think/hope it is to bring interest to the store.

    During the beginning of April, our family visited Camp Connell almost daily for the week that we were in the area. I got an opportunity to meet the new staff at the store and came away very impressed. The new staff was extremely nice to myself and my family, and very pleasant to visit with and be around. They were very attentive, kind, and patient with my son and daughter.

    When the skiers from Bear Valley were ending their day, there was the typical “rush” at the store. The Camp Connell staff was doing their absolute best and working hard to make sure that all questions and needs were met, while also tending to the patrons sitting around the bar drinking their coffee, wine, and beer. It was the same relaxing and easy-going atmosphere that has made Camp Connell such a comfortable place over the many years. (I still miss the pool table and juke box in the corner).

    I don’t know how active the early morning or early afternoon are at the store, especially since the ski season is over. That activity has always depended on what day of the week it is and the snow conditions. However, during our family’s visit, the activity was steady and typical of what it was in the past during early an April.

    I can tell you that this store is just as comfortable a place to visit to get a beverage or supplies as it has ever been. This new staff has been just as welcoming as every staff has been in the past.

    Camp Connell is a gem in our area. We are fortunate to have an establishment this far east of Arnold. Camp Connell benefits all that live east of Big Trees State Park; vacation renters, vacation home owners, “flat-landers”, “locals”, everyone.

    There are some new ideas that the manager and staff have for the store. They aren’t all terrible because the new ideas are different. Please give the new ownership a chance. Experience it with open eyes, and then judge for yourself. New ideas aren’t always bad.

    I hope to see everyone reading this post during the summer at this great local jewel of our community. When/if gone, it will be sorely missed and I, for one, hope that doesn’t ever happen.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #5360

    Looks awfully lonely at the store when I drive by on the highway.

    in reply to: Needle Clean up #5359

    Rake into 4 ft piles and burn it , i had 15 piles burning last weekend. no different than a lightning started forest fire. have shovel and water standing by for safety.imo

    in reply to: Needle Clean up #5358

    Does anyone have information on where we can take our needles and sticks from the cleanup this year? Is Rowleys at Camp Connell still in operation and if so, on what days is it open? If not, what are the other options for doing the work yourself?

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #5357

    I am looking for help on what to do with all my needles this year. For over 10 years I have gotten a 20 yard bin from CalWaste. Bin goes up a little each year but it was worth it for ease of getting it all done fast and safe. Now this year they have JUMPED the price up 92% over last year!! same bin is over $700!!
    Now I think it will be cheaper to hire someone to come get them. Its all raked into piles and ready to go.
    let me know your thoughts please

    in reply to: Tree services #5356

    I had 8 trees felled by PGE last November and the logs are still laying there. It would be great if they were chipped quickly as to kill as many beetles as possible but that’s just not happening. Where I noticed entry points on the logs laying down I skinned the bark off to expose the larvae so that they would die. I found many live larvae even recently. I heard that chunking up logs in 2 foot sections also works to kill larvae, but I don’t have a chainsaw that big. For me I don’t mind the logs laying there as much, as long as the beetles die off. I hope our wet winter gives the living trees enough boost to fend off the first flight of beetles coming soon. Fossil records show the last drought of this magnitude was 450 years ago. I hope its over…we need our forests. I think once the ground dries a bit the crews can get in with their tractors to start hauling. No one likes working in the mud.

    in reply to: Tree services #5355

    When our tree was taken out at the direction of PG&E last Fall I was told that another company was going to come in and remove the tree. It was 121 feet tall. I have paperwork showing a company named Phillips ad Jordan as the ones supposedly responsible for the removal but have been unable to get any information yet.

    I know that in our area in BTV a number of trees were taken out and just left for later clean up. The winter obviously got in the way from a timing standpoint.

    Any additional news would be greatly appreciated.

    in reply to: Tree services #5353

    Apply for the chipping program and county tree removal program here, download application and submit with pictures of the dead trees and a lot map showing location of trees and structures and roads. mike J

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by mhjohn2.
    in reply to: Tree services #5352

    Does anyone know if the State sponsored services have begun removing the trees that PG&E had cut down last Fall? I know the winter weather set them back, just wondering since we have one of them on our property that is supposed to be hauled out.



    in reply to: Tree services #5351

    +1 to using A-1. They took out 25 trees for us last fall. Be glad you only have 1 to remove!

    in reply to: Tree services #5350

    We have used A-1 Tree Service 209-736-6786 for many years now. Always quick, efficient, reasonably priced, and clean everything up nicely. Highly recommended.

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