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  • in reply to: cell phone problems #2128

    fyi, I was able to hook up and get my old Verizon network extender to work in BTV, so I now have Verizon cell service at our cabin! These were those boxes which worked for awhile, then stopped working after Verizon/Golden State could not agree contractually. But after I heard that Verizon purchased Golden State, I brought it out and set it up, and it worked!

    in reply to: Roofer Recommendations #2127

    I used Don Parr last year. He and his crew did a great job, and cleaned up the debris. 728-3551. He charged $4000+ which I thought was very reasonable.

    in reply to: Cabin Maintenance #2126

    Need a recommendation for a local roofer. Do you have a good recommendation?

    John M

    in reply to: cell phone problems #2124

    We also have Verizon, with Samsung 4g phones, and have had no problem calling out…in the right places. I made calls Sat in Arnold (3g/1x, 3-bar connection) and Sunday on Bigfoot Circle (3g, solid 5-bars!). I get a steady 3g/3-bars near the corner of Ottawa and Natchez. Very spotty elsewhere (that I go in BTV).

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by ebaker.
    in reply to: Wanted: Ping pong table #2123


    I tried to send a message to your email but it didn’t go.

    I have a second Ping pong table, pretty good condition. It is yours if you want it, but you need to pick it up.

    Send me an email at Jerrym2834@aol.com to arrange a pickup. Our cabin is on Tahos near Apache.


    in reply to: Wanted: Ping pong table #2122


    I tried to send a message to your email but it didn’t go.

    I have a second Ping pong table, pretty good condition. It is yours if you want it, but you need to pick it up.

    Send me an email at Jerrym2834@aol.com to arrange a pickup. Our cabin is on Tahos near Apacke.


    in reply to: Low Voltage #2121

    In the big snow year 2011, I had a pine snap and take out the service drop. PG&E came out and reconnected. Last year I noticed that when the refer would kick on the lights would dim. I called PG&E and a service guy came out (on a Sunday!),checked it, and found that the ground where it comes into the weather head was not properly connected. He fixed it and now everything is fine.

    While using his diagnosis equipment, he noticed a voltage discrepancy when a load was applied.

    Not to say this is your problem, sounds more like a distribution problem, but this is what happened to me.

    in reply to: Wanted: Ping pong table #2120

    Hi there,

    For some reason I am unable to see replies. Not seeing them in email either. Please send replies to:

    addy.roff at gmail


    in reply to: Wanted: Ping pong table #2119


    We have an extra in our basement. You can have it, but we need to determine a way to get it to you.

    Our cabin is on Tahos near Apache.


    regular email is JerryM2834@aol.com

    in reply to: Low Voltage #2118

    We had several short outages and brown-outs yesterday. I never checked the voltage but I’m sure it was low. Every time I was about to start the generator, the power seemed to be ok. I should have just switched to the generator for a few hours and bypassed all the PG&E headaches!

    in reply to: cell phone problems #2117

    There have been several occasions when I have trouble in Arnold. It’s “usually” ok but sometimes not. Sometimes my iPhone shows three bars with 3G but as soon as I try to make a call, the signal drops to one bar with 1X (no data with 1X). Frustrating at best. Hopefully this old Golden State cell phone network will end up in Milton and Verizon will upgrade the entire system.

    in reply to: cell phone problems #2116

    Joe is correct. My Verizon works really good in BTV and most of Dorrington all week but this weekend everyone and their brother is up here so everything is maxed out. Power, Comcast, Verizon, big trees grocery store parking lot…..

    in reply to: cell phone problems #2115

    We have a 3G phone using the Verizon network. We were up in Arnold Tues-Thurs this past week and had no problems making/taking phone calls.

    in reply to: cell phone problems #2114

    Thanks for the responses, and I hadn’t heard about the G.S.Cellular-Verizon deal — hopefully that will improve service.

    But to be clear, I’m talking about when in Arnold. I never expect coverage in BTV. We’ve used Verizon for years with no problems calling out in Arnold and bear valley. 3G is fine, receiving calls fine, but we can no longer call out. This has been an issue for weeks now and it’s all phones and cell phone makes in our family. I’d appreciate knowing if anyone else is experiencing this new problem.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #2113


    PGE voltage at house is only 109 Volts (5:17PM). Contacted PGE and they are sending out a service man.
    If you think your voltage is low, call PGE and report it, if it is an area problem they may get here sooner.

    Probably caused by the major outage earlier

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