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  • in reply to: Power outage #5929

    So pissed at Comcast! Latest update has no estimated time for restoration of service.
    It’s time to nationalize internet service.

    in reply to: Power outage #5928

    So pissed at Comcast! Latest update has no estimated time for restoration of service.
    It’s time to nationalize internet service.

    in reply to: Power outage #5927

    Comcast estimate moved to 8pm as of 3:30 pm.
    No webcam images or weather data can be uploaded until they get it fixed 👎

    in reply to: Power outage #5926

    Always great to have updates like these, even if I can’t be up in the mountains. Thanks to both of you.



    in reply to: Power outage #5925

    I talked to Comcast and they have a service outage as well and expect to have it fixed by 3 PM today.

    in reply to: Power outage #5924

    Having similar issues. The answering machine is working and there are no reports from PG&E about an outage, so I’m guessing it is comcast.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #5923

    I noticed this morning that I can get my thermostat on line. Is it a Comcast or PG&E issue?


    in reply to: New device working great! #5922

    Currently the Y axis is millimeters. There are 25.4 mm per inch.
    Eventually I plan to convert everything to inches but it’s not a simple fix.

    in reply to: New device working great! #5921

    Great to see the snow depth charts. It was clear the horizontal axis was time but until I read this forum it was unclear what the Y axis was measuring. It looks like mm. any way to add the labels to the charts? Thanks for the consideration!!

    in reply to: resetting email #5920

    email me directly with old and new email and I’ll see if I can take care of it.
    joe at big trees tech dot com
    admin at big trees tech dot com

    in reply to: Feature Requests & Bug Reports #5919

    I am changing my email but unable to do so on my Big Trees Tech account. I follow the procedure, but it does not change. Can anyone advise?

    in reply to: New device working great! #5917
    mr ellis

    It’s sure good to have the new capability but I see from afar that there has been virtually “no winter” in the hills.
    What’s the generally chatter there about the weather and the general “wetness” perception this season so far?

    in reply to: New device working great! #5914

    Joe thank you for all your hard work!
    The Snider Family

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #5913

    The snow is so awesome. What is not so awesome is our steep driveway. My grand niece was there for the snow’s arrival. She had trouble getting down the hill. Once again Adam Snider came the rescue. Not only has he been doing an excellent job keeping the driveway clean, but he went beyond the call of duty. As my niece described him “what an amazing man”.
    I also want to thank bigtreetech for keeping this site going. I check this site several times a day.

    in reply to: New device working great! #5912

    fyi, you’ll see some “blips” in the snow depth readings from time to time where it appears that the depth suddenly gets significantly lower. I’ve determined that the cause is “snow bombs” falling from either nearby trees or from the arm that supports the sensor into the sensor’s field of view. These “snow bombs” create a temporary divot in the snow. The sensor reads back the longest distance measured in its field of view so you suddenly see the depth to the bottom of the new divot rather than the surrounding area. The effect is currently exaggerated because the measurements are being displayed in mm so a 1 inch divot results in snow depth decreased by over 25 mm.
    I can’t do anything about the effect of “snow bombs” on the measurements but once I convert to inches and round to the nearest inch, we should not see quite so dramatic a change when they occur.

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