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  • in reply to: Temperature/thermostat remotely? #1428

    So I was the one who originally posted, thanks for everyone’s input. Thought I’d post my results.

    I decided on a Wi-Fi thermostat instead of a phone line one. If power’s out, the furnace is not going to be turning on anyway. I liked the feature of being notified via email if the temperature is more than x or less than y.

    I ended up getting a Honeywell, mainly because it was recommended by Mike at EPG. I got the RTH6580WF at Home Depot for $120 and installed it today while I was up visiting. It was not as easy as I had hoped, since the original thermostat did not have a C wire hooked up. So I had to squat down under the cabin to strip and hook up an extra wire in the furnace. A couple of hiccups along the way, but eventually everything worked. Not bad for a 59 yr old lady!

    This model does not use batteries, power comes from the C wire. The lowest setting is 40 degrees. Wi-fi hookup and registration was very easy. The control panel on the web browser is clear and simple to use. It shows the current temperature setting, the inside temperature, and the outside temperature (from a weather source), and you can control/change everything from the browser.

    I feel so much better now, knowing that I can check on the temperature and furnace from home, after the guests or cleaners leave, to make sure they set it correctly, or if not, re-set it from home!

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1427

    BTW, I order almost everything from Amazon. Never had a problem. Sometimes other websites INSIST you live in Arnold because of the ZIP code. Just click OK. You’ll get it anyway.

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1426

    You need to get a PO Box or have it delivered to:
    c/o Whoever
    PO Box Whatever (Whoever’s PO box)
    Camp Connell, CA.

    PO Boxes are free if you own a place up here.

    As for the Camp Connell store deliveries, check your tracking number and if it says signed for by D Manning, that’s Donna at the CC store.

    I think UPS and FedEx have some temporary drivers for the holiday season. They’ve never driven in snow or ice. Our regular UPS or FedEx delivery guy almost never misses a delivery to our house.

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1425

    w/o the P O Box, mail doesn’t usually go beyond Arnold

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1424

    mtndad – we don’t have a PObox, thus the potential issue if Amazon sends via USPS.

    Joe – when comcast mailed our first bills to CampConnell, Paula simply sent them back as undeliverable, which was fine with us – we’d told comcast to ebill us, anyway 🙂

    Maybe Gramma needs to shop somewhere where she can pick shipping method… or should turn back time and plan ahead a little better 🙂 bah humbug

    in reply to: Temperature/thermostat remotely? #1423

    The RTH8580WF does require a battery but cannot say how long it lasts….sort of depends on whether the power is out and for how long. I have had ours in since June and have not changed the battery. I don’t know what the minimum temp setting is but you can contact Honeywell or check their website http://yourhome.honeywell.com/home/Products/Thermostats/7-Day-Programmable/RTH8580WF.htm

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1422

    I have has no trouble with any of the delivery companies. I get a package at least once a week.

    My Amazon label Shows

    My name
    My PO Box
    My street address
    Camp Connell, CA
    And my 9 digit zip.

    in reply to: Temperature/thermostat remotely? #1421

    Thanks for sharing all the good info! Now I have a lot to go work with.

    in reply to: Temperature/thermostat remotely? #1420

    I’ve used the Filtrete unit for 2 years now and it works very well. It’s basically a rebranded Radiothermostat unit (CT30?). (And note that Radiothermostat appears to have been acquired by yet another company.)

    This thermostat runs on batteries, but the WiFi portion runs on 24VAC from the furnace. The unit will continue to run its program if it loses the Internet connection. It can be set to around 36 degrees for the low point. I do set it quite low. It doesn’t affect the defrost cycle of the fridge since that is on a timer, but the refrigeration will be off most of the time which does indeed let the freezer warm above freezing. If you have things that must stay frozen (we don’t leave anything in the freezer), then you need to keep the cabin warmer than this.

    The user interface on the thermostat is okay, not great, but it doesn’t matter much as we almost always use a phone app or the web interface. It’s basically a standard 7 day programmable thermostat with a WiFi addition. The way this unit works is by periodically (every few minutes) contacting the Radiothermostat servers for an update. The phone app or web interface connects to these servers remotely. Locally your phone app or PC can talk to it directly. It’s fantastic to warm up and monitor the temperature before you arrive.

    And now for the more esoteric information: It is possible to get this unit to talk to a Vera (zwave) for home automation. And that means that you can program this unit more creatively. This thermostat has a numeric display that isn’t much used. With the Vera, I was able to reuse that field as the current temperature from another source. I use the weather station data from Bear Valley or Arnold so that I can see from the thermostat what is happening in one of those locations. The Vera is not for everyone as it is too complicated and finicky, but it does open up a whole new world. I use it to turn on lights before we arrive and to light up the deck where we have camera so I can see the weather at night if I want. Vera can also work with door locks.

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1419

    I would suggest having it sent somewhere that you can get reliable delivery. I wouldn’t count on the Arnold post office holding anything for you. You might want to talk to Paula at the Camp Connell PO and find out if it would even make it up here at all.

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1418

    I’ve got a question – Gramma wants to order some stuff from amazon for us, and they use UPS, USPS, or fedEx depending on what the item is… We don’t have a USPS box in Camp Connell, will the package get sent back if Amazon uses USPS instead of another carrier? Or will it get held for pickup?

    in reply to: Temperature/thermostat remotely? #1417

    We have an Ecobee. It’s been great. Min temp, though, is 45 f. I was originally unhappy that it didn’t go colder, but then I was told that forced air heaters (gas) don’t like to run very cold air for a long time. You should check your heater spec to see what the min temperature setting it can be continuously run at. Besides, running the house at 45 vs. 40 probably does not use much more gas.

    Ours is hooked up to our internet WiFi. If the net goes down, it stays at the last programmed temp. If the power goes out, well…. you’re sort of out of luck since the heater isn’t going to run anyways.

    I’m pretty sure the Ecobee is powered directly from the 5V source from the heater unit (i.e. wired).

    in reply to: UPS & FedEx Deliveries #1416

    It’s actually great that the drivers know the area enough and have enough confidence to do that.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #1415

    If you have UPS or FedEx deliveries in the Camp Connell or Dorrington area that are shown as delivered but you haven’t received them, you might want to call down to Camp Connell and check with Donna. Apparently both FedEx and UPS have been dropping off packages at the store when the neighborhood roads are icy.
    The joys of mountain living 🙂

    in reply to: Temperature/thermostat remotely? #1414

    That’s very true, it can mess up the fridge if set too low. We try to keep the fridge at ~38, and would like to set the house temp to 40.

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