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  • in reply to: BigTrees Talk #1247

    Anyone use a wood stove steamer to help with dry air in the winter time? I saw some decorative ones but, I am assuming a regular pot of water would do the same thing. I am guessing you would have to boil off a lot of water to create mold issues. Any experiences?

    in reply to: Outside Burning #1246

    Been here since ’94 and this is the first time I can remember night burning in the fall. It’s always been night burning in late spring in the past. I think the person or people in charge of burning took too many of these pills:

    It’s a whopping 30 or so degrees outside now at 7:00 pm.

    in reply to: Outside Burning #1245

    Call 209-754-6600. You’ll get a recorded message.

    in reply to: Outside Burning #1244

    How do you find this information?

    in reply to: Snow level #1243

    Thanks for the updates. I may stick to lower elevations.

    in reply to: Outside Burning #1241

    Tonight! after 7PM!

    Currently burning allowed 7PM-8AM subject to air quality. Yesterday no burning, tonight it’s a go!

    in reply to: Hwy 4 Corridor Uglification #1240


    in reply to: Snow level #1239

    More rain and/or snow is currently in the weather forecast for Thanksgiving day.

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1238

    For serious hiking or outbacking, the units mentioned my joe are nice. They both require a subscription fee, either monthly or annually. The SportDOG collar does not require a subscription fee but it is limited in range.

    With the SPOT messenger, you can go on an outback trip in California and your friends in Florida (or wherever) can track you if they have the website info. I imagine the same is true for the InReach system.

    in reply to: Hwy 4 Corridor Uglification #1237

    the buildings proposed are 32 ft. tall and on the slope of a hill so even with fast growing vegetation it will take quite awhile to screen this thing. It is also on a blind corner with just barely enough line of site for normal cars forget about class A motor homes. Not to mention the Property values for the poor folks in forest meadows as this facility is 4 buildings totaling 48000 sq. ft. This Facility is in the wrong zoning and by allowing it to go in we would be setting a bad precedent for the use of C1 in the future. Think about where the next storage facility could pop up.

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1235

    For the purpose of letting friends and family know where you are in the outback, you might consider the SPOT Gen3 Satellite GPS Messenger. It seems to have a pretty good rating at REI. Unlike the dog collar, it’s not range limited.
    Another, somewhat more expensive but more capable device is the DeLorme InReacg SE Two-Way Satellite Communicator with GPS. It’s ratings are even better than the SPOT

    in reply to: Hwy 4 Corridor Uglification #1234

    From the Permit:
    “permit to construct and operate an indoor RV and boat storage facility”

    “A vegetation screen of fast-growing evergreen trees and shrubs will be established along the northerly and southerly boundaries of the site and between vehicle parking areas and adjacent streets and roads.”

    If this keeps RV’s and boats from being stored in residential areas….it may not be such a bad idea.. 😉

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1233

    That’s a cool idea. The collar will definitely fit around your neck. Range is “up to” seven miles but probably much less up here in the mountainous terrain. The handheld device needs to stay in communication with the GPS collar. Good luck!

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1232
    jebediah jake

    Thanks, Allen. Based on your posts I have ordered the same unit. If it works on the dog, maybe the family can use it to track me when I go down to fish the Stanislaus as well….

    in reply to: Hwy 4 Corridor Uglification #1231
    Rich Owen

    Petition signed, Joe.

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