Kevin Monahan

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  • in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6654

    I also live close to Sierra Parkway and Shoshone and as of today my power was on but no Comcast. Now as of 8pm my Comcast is back on! It has been a long 8 days but all is good

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6653

    Horray, the cameras are up and running again. When I called Comcast this morning for tech support, the recording told me that Comcast was in my area fixing problems.
    I am in the 3000 block of Shoshone.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6652
    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6651

    Called PG&E today and logged a ticket with them letting them know that the power line to my property might be damaged. They said that they’d check the line during power restoration to see if there was any damage to the line where it meets the house. Also, they’d call me back to let me know if everything was ok. I’ll update this thread as soon as I hear back.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6650

    I have an updated email from PG & E. 75 customers are without power, they are still working to solve the problem, no estimated time.
    About alerts, I get an emergency alert on my iWatch, iPhone, plus, the emails.
    I really like the one on my iWatch,(for emergency alerts) as it does a little vibrating thing to alert me to check, it keeps vibrating until I click on it.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6649

    I’ll call an electrician to take a look. Thanks again.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #6648

    I want to thank Sandi from Sierra Sentry for driving by our cabin yesterday and taking a snapshot to let me know everything looks good from the outside
    On another note, I received a text saying they thought power would be restored by 6 p.m this evening.
    Thanks for all you do Sandi for the people up here.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6647

    I have a place on Yuroc near Choctaw. We are here in Paso Robles sheltering as we are in our 70’s. Is anyone near there?

    Will probably have Sandi go by and check the place later…

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6646

    Looking more closely, it appears the conduit might be ok but the wires may have been pulled on. Best to have electrician have a look ASAP

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6645

    Just heard that electrical damage at homes has to be fixed before power restoration. I cannot confirm this directly.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6644

    Thank you so much for taking a look, much appreciated. Stay safe.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6643

    Kenshawnewby a couple treetops came down. Missed house but one hit your powerline and damaged where it attaches to the house. The powerline is drooping lower than normal. I could not see any other damage but you have a mess to deal with in front.
    I tried to send email with pictures but don’t know if it went through.

    in reply to: Power Update #6641

    OMG, that is WONDERFUL NEWS!!! YAHOO!!!!

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #6640

    3/21/2020 @ 6:50am
    Just got a call from PGE saying they expect to restore power in our area by noon on Monday, 3/23. We are at the corner of Kenshaw and Wikami.

    in reply to: Dorrington is a Mess #6639

    I’ll walk down and have a look later today if possible.

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