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  • in reply to: SierraSentry Road Video #6694

    SierraSentry Road Video Winter 2019/2020 #14

    in reply to: Cabin Maintenance #6693

    I had a large top of a tree on my roof. Joel from Lone Pine Tree co came up and did a great job. On time, did the job quick, done to my specs, and good quote.


    in reply to: Comcast refund? #6691

    I haven’t found a way to get through to talk to an agent.

    I’m going to keep trying because you are correct, you have to request the refund.

    in reply to: SierraSentry Road Video #6690

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #6689

    Has anyone gotten a Comcast refund because of the long outage? Last time, we had to call them and request it. I have not done that yet. I’m assuming lines are busy.

    What have you guys done/found out?

    in reply to: BigTreesTech Update #6687

    UPDATE #2 4/1/2020
    Managed to get everything working again, I think.
    I Also finally managed to go through all the new user requests. If you put in a request, check your email.

    UPDATE 4/1/2020…no joke.
    We finally got Comcast internet back late this morning. Still working on getting things working again. Almost there.

    in reply to: BigTreesTech Update #6686

    UPDATE 4/1/2020…no joke.
    We finally got Comcast internet back late this morning. Still working on getting things working again. Almost there.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #6685

    Wednesday April 1, 2020, 9:24 AM
    Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office
    Advisory: To all non essential visitors to Calaveras County. The purpose of this message is to notify you to stay home.

    April 1, 2020

    To all non essential visitors to Calaveras County. The purpose of this message is to notify you to stay home.

    We implore all persons in and around Calaveras County who do not either reside here or provide essential services, to recognize the impact that the population increase due to visitation has on our community and health care system. Now is not the time to come to our community. If you are visiting for the day or short term, please respect our request to return to your primary place of residence. If we all do not practice STRICT social distancing and self-quarantine, we will suffer grave consequences. We cannot support recreation, visitation, close proximity, or non-essential public interaction right now. There is no other alternative and this must be accomplished now. If you want Calaveras County to remain the vacation getaway it has been in the past, we all must act to ensure a speedy recovery.

    There is nowhere to recreate as all recreational areas have been shut down and closed due to the COVID-19 virus. Please stay at your primary residence, recreate in your backyard. If you do not, it will be a long time until we flatten the curve and slow or stop the spread of this virus. Once that happens, we will be able to go back to our normal lives.

    Calaveras County’s demographics includes many senior citizens. Their risk is increased if they are exposed to COVID-19.

    My staff is isolating themselves on their time off so that we may be here to serve those who need us. Recently we have had to respond to calls that were unnecessary due to visitors not following the advice given by CDC and our County Health Officer. You will be putting my staff, your public safety and their families in danger from unnecessary exposure.

    Please, wash your hands, sanitize surfaces, avoid touching your face and please s tay home unless it is necessary.

    Thank You

    Rick DiBasilio, Sheriff
    Calaveras County

    For full details, view this message on the web.

    Sent by Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office
    Jeff Tuttle Dr, San Andreas, CA 95249

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    in reply to: Stay safe and stay home #6683

    New guidelines from county. See photo.

    in reply to: Stay safe and stay home #6682

    I won’t post the video here but there is a good summary of California and Calaveras isolation regulations on YouTube. Just go to YouTube.com, or open the app and search for:


    in reply to: BigTreesTech Update #6681

    UPDATE 2 3/29/2020
    FYI, site/user administration is more difficult and time consuming when having to use somewhat spotty verizon hotspot in place of Comcast WiFi internet. Hence, I have been putting off new user request administration until we get Comcast service. If they are unable to restore service this coming Wednesday, I will bite the bullet and work through the requests as best I can. Be aware that I get about 100:1 spammer requests so it is quite time consuming.

    we are at the corner of Kenshaw and Wikami.

    in reply to: BigTreesTech Update #6680

    Thanks for today’s update Joe. What part of BTV do you live in?

    in reply to: Stay safe and stay home #6679

    Calaveras self isolation order.

    in reply to: Stay safe and stay home #6678

    Resources during this emergency does not equate to money it equates to how many ICU beds are available at the only two hospitals within an hour’s drive. It equates to how many loaves of bread or cartons of eggs are available at the grocery store.
    During this emergency nobody cares about financial resources being brought to he community because there is no where to spend them without increasing risk to the community.
    The current order is not for a two week isolation, it is for an indefinite isolation. Social distancing rules are in place when essential services are required. Otherwise, everyone has been told by the governor and local law enforcement, STAY HOME!

    in reply to: Stay safe and stay home #6677

    This virus is everywhere and rather than telling people “keep out” I believe the better message to those on Big Trees Tech should be one of encouragement for our entire community to follow health guidelines of 14 day self-quarantine and maintaining social distancing. Not “stay away”!
    Like it or not, those of “us” who enjoy our second homes up here drive the majority of the Arnold area economy. Do you believe the businesses along Highway 4 through Arnold or even your own business Sandi would even exist without those who love this area and have chosen to buy second homes here?

    You talk about straining resources yet have you considered the area has considerably MORE resources with “us” than without “us”? In addition to keeping local business alive, over $11,000,000 comes into the county through our property taxes which full time residents receive the most benefit from. We can’t even vote in the local elections which is yet another benefit to full-time residents.

    Instead of sending messages to keep “us” out, there should be respect for what we provide to the local economy and the individual decisions and RESPONSIBILITY we are taking under these difficult times.

    Rather than shaming us for legitimately living in our properties during this outbreak the message should be to please observe 14-day quarantine and social distancing to help keep our ENTIRE community safe.

    Perhaps Sandi, instead of offering services to check on empty cabins you would be better off offering deliveries of needed supplies and groceries to those of use who are being vigilant and following health guidelines during these difficult times.

    We are all in this together and am take extreme umbrage to not being considered a true member of this community that deserves to be living in a home that I have loved for over a dozen years while I support this community.

    Everyone please follow health guidelines, stay strong and stay safe.

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