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  • in reply to: What I miss Most #1183

    I MISS the Business Directory.
    How about working on that issue for us.
    We need that service.

    in reply to: Taco Truck in Arnold? #1180

    Tortuga, thanks for starting this thread. Because of it, we tried the chicken tacos and tamales today-both were excellent, and the price was right. $1.25 for a small double shell toasted taco, loaded with tasty chicken and salsa…A big guy needs 3, or 4 is even better. 😉 We’ll be back.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by jibwaylarry.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by jibwaylarry.
    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1179

    I received my new tracking collar and the GPS receiver on the collar didn’t work, even if I set it out in the open for over an hour. I am returning it and going to try the sportDOG TEK-V1LT 1.0 GPS+E-Collar. A little pricey but I want something reliable. Thanks for the info Snowshoe1958.

    in reply to: What I miss Most #1178

    I didn’t notice joe. Guess I’m blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other! 🙂

    in reply to: What I miss Most #1177

    In case you hadn’t noticed, there is a road conditions menu item up top that takes you directly to the DOT Mountain Highway road conditions page. It’s been there for several months.

    in reply to: What I miss Most #1175

    For road conditions you can always call 1-800-427-7623 or check them at http://www.dot.ca.gov/cgi-bin/roads.cgi. I’m sure you already know this joe but thought I would post it in case anyone doesn’t know.

    Also Tim Muetterties Realty has a live web cam just as you leave Arnold:

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by allen.
    in reply to: What I miss Most #1174

    A business directory may come back someday but not any time soon. Sorry, there was no good way to port the data over and the old site had become unmaintainable. Not only had it become unmaintainable, I had received a warning from my web host that unless I fixed or replaced some things, the site might have been shut down completely.
    Sorry for the inconvenience,

    in reply to: What I miss Most #1173

    Is the Business Directory coming back or is it that I just can’t find it?

    in reply to: Wildlife Cam #1172

    I just ordered a couple of trail cams. One is an inexpensive Moultrie trail camera:


    The other one is a Moultrie panoramic trail camera:


    Boys and their toys! 🙂

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1171

    We have “contain and train” collars for our Lab and Pointer. They work great but requires a wire buried around the property line (or wherever you want to keep the dog or dogs). Ours is an older model Innotek SD-3100. They make a newer model now but I’m not sure what it is. In the mornings I take the dogs for a run with my scooter or a walk, depending on the weather. This morning our Pointer took off again so I ordered a GPS tracking collar:


    I haven’t received it yet so I have no idea how well it will work. The collar suggested by Snowshoe1958 sounds good but there’s no containment feature. They need to make a 3-in-1 collar: Contain and train and track! 🙂

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1170

    I have used Training/Command collars from SportDog and have had good results. Waterproof and made for more than your requirements.
    I have not used their Tracking collars yet.


    Great place to start

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1169
    jebediah jake

    Now I am wondering about the trackng dog collars since I really don’t want to have to go through that again. Any ideas out there?

    in reply to: Wildlife Cam #1168

    Great pictures!! Thanks for posting them.

    in reply to: Street side brush clearing? #1167

    Overall I think they did a good job. They were pretty nice if you were here. I have an oak tree that’s on my side of the water ditch and they asked me if I wanted it cut down or leave it alone. I kept the tree but I’m not sure what they would have done if I had been gone.

    in reply to: Lost dog German shorthair pointer #1166

    Glad you found Ruby! We also have German shorthair. She’s a great dog but also tends to run off whenever she has a chance.

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