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  • in reply to: Aggressive dogs loose on Chumash #4463

    I would like to suggest that even if your dogs aren’t aggressive, please don’t let them outside unleashed unless you’re with them and they’re under your voice control. I had an incident at the end of May near Meko and Shoshone as I walked my two German shepherds. A cute yellow lab showed up across the street and started following us. He wouldn’t go away and I had to stop walking and just stand for a bit hoping he’d take off. He didn’t. I started walking again and he started approaching us, doing a play bow and taking off. He did this multiple times getting closer each time. My dogs would have loved to play with him, AT THE DOG PARK. They couldn’t play because they were leashed and the street is not a play area. It wasn’t the dogs fault as he just wanted to play. The end result was the yellow lab getting way too close to us and my GSD chasing after him after literally pulling me down on my side giving me road rash on my hip and inner elbow and tearing my jeans. They all ran to the labs house about four cabins away and I was able to catch them without a problem thank God. The lab was being watch by three children under the age of 10 who probably had no idea the dog had wandered off. The parents came outside with all the commotion and all I got was a “oh, sorry”.

    Moral of the story is that even if your dog isn’t aggressive, please keep them in your eyesight when they’re outside. You can’t know if they’re causing a problem for someone if you’re not watching.

    in reply to: Stolen Wildlife Camera #4462

    Sorry to hear about the loss of the camera.. I know you have shared some great images with us.

    You might want to post notices at the Lube Room, Camp Connell Store and Post office asking for return of at least the SD card…no questions asked. Maybe the villains took there own pictures.. Also, keep an eye on the local Craigslist Ads and even post one, yourself.

    Maybe it’s time to think about volunteer security patrols… 😉

    in reply to: Realtor recommendation? #4461

    Linda Payton- Owner of Dorrington Realty. Knows the area better than anybody!! She is the best choice for the Dorrington area.

    in reply to: Stolen Wildlife Camera #4460
    mr ellis

    I read these posts with interest and also amusement. There appears to me to be NO significant law enforcement in Calaveras County (but oh boy, the CHP is vigilant in chasing violent “drivers” exceeding the speed limit(s)), and yet any time anyone talks about the need to raise a bit of tax revenue to hire additional deputies for the already over extended Shariff’s Departmenrt, there is the predictable hue and cry “not in my county”.

    So just live with the random acts of vandalism and petty theft. They are not going to decrease.

    in reply to: Stolen Wildlife Camera #4459


    Sorry to hear that this happened to you. It another example of the low-life crime and vandalism that seems to be creeping in the area.

    Hope the person(s) responsible are caught.


    in reply to: Realtor recommendation? #4458

    We were happy with

    She helped us do ski-leases our first couple years in Dorrington and then helped us on the ~6month search for our own cabin. She understood our needs and steered us tot he right places and didn’t have us seeing places that didn’t meet needs.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4457

    I have been regularly leaving my wildlife camera for 3 months in the forest trails off Chumash/Shosone for the last 2 years. I was here in April and was lucky enough to get a mountain lion on the camera. The camera was locked to a tree with a padlock. It is not an expensive camera. Someone went to a lot of trouble to smash the plastic housing and took the camera sometime between mid April and the end of June. The padlock and strap were still on the tree. It is ridiculous that someone would do this. The camera can’t be strapped to a tree anymore so it would be useless to them. If anyone hears of this please contact me. It would be great to get the SD card from the camera with all of my pictures from the last 2 years. All the pictures/videos would be tagged with my last name Anello.

    in reply to: Remove PG & E Tree remains #4456

    all the licensed, bonded contractors that do tree work are well over their heads with work. This season has been devastating and there is just not enough reliable labor up here to deal with it all.
    Be patient. Do as much of the work as you can yourself. Rent a dumpster (or two or three).
    We should all be concerned about dead trees that are left standing until winter hits. Snow load, high winds, etc could bring them down.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4455

    Have any of you Big Trees Village or Snow Shoe Springs neighbors had Radon testing done? It seems that 95223 is a pretty hot area! Look at the test stats for 95223 HERE
    If you had the test done, where and what were the results?

    in reply to: Chipper/ Shredder For Sale #4454

    Careful, You’ll make arrangements to get the TV then give it to someone else

    in reply to: Remove PG & E Tree remains #4453

    RHYuroc, you were lucky. I was left with all of the slash and the logs too. Like you, however, I am looking to get rid of the logs ASAP but there doesn’t seem to be anyone available as so many trees are down. If someone has a good, honest and reliable contractor, I’m all ears!

    in reply to: Remove PG & E Tree remains #4452

    I agree it would be better if they also took them away, but that is not going to happen.

    I still need a contractor to haul them away.

    in reply to: Remove PG & E Tree remains #4450

    When PG&E leaves the trunk this season they are not doing you or your neighbors a favor. Most of the trees dying have been infested with bark beetles. By leaving the trunk they allow thousands of beetle larva to mature and go on to infest more trees.

    in reply to: Remove PG & E Tree remains #4449

    Actually I was quite happy with what the PG & E contractor did. They cleaned up all the slash and left the tree remains in a good location. I guess I was lucky. However, I do want to get rid of the logs.

    These logs will need to be moved with equipment, so I am looking for a contractor to do that.

    in reply to: Chipper/ Shredder For Sale #4448

    The Chipper/ Shredder has been sold, thank you for your responses. I still have a 25″ tv in very good condition. Hate to take it in for recycling, so it is free to a good home. It goes to the dump on Monday.

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