Forum Replies Created
KeymasterI was told by a certified Arborist that Splat will likely not be and effective deterrent for Fir Engraver Beetles because it mimics a pine bark beetle pheromone (verbenone), not that of the Fir Engraver Beetle.
Also be aware that Splat is a deterrent, not an insecticide. So I doubt it will have any effect on trees that are already infested.uttb
ParticipantDoes anyone know who to contact regarding rental of Nicols cabin on the river at Boards Crossing?
ParticipantHi Sierrashoo,
I’m near you on Hoopa Circle, and I’m interested in the wood. How big are the pieces of the white fir? Are they heavy? I’m not a big guy (5-6, 140) so getting it into my truck could be a problem for me.
ParticipantSandi is great!
ParticipantHello again! The Do Wooders took some of the free wood available on my property but now their lot is full. Free trees felled by PG&E at 4435 Blackfoot Circle. Please let me know if interested!
ParticipantOver the last 16 years I have lost a number of pine trees to the bark beetle. On average about one tree a year. Then I heard about SPLAT last month. After a lot of research I decided that SPLAT really does resist the bark beetle. I then called my regular pest control company, Anchor Pest, and asked what they think? They confirmed the product has been successful and I arranged for them to apply SPLAT to all of my pine trees. Fingers crossed I can stop the loss of more trees.
Good reminder! We’ve used Sandi a number of times for other services, and she’s always top notch. Just spoke to her, and we’re all set up.
ParticipantThank you for the reference! Yes, give me a call.
Much appreciated,
phone: 209/795-7618
mobile: 209/595-9562gagacabin
ParticipantI highly recommend Sandi from Sierra Sentry. Besides cleaning the cabins, she will do other things as well, such as going up and turning on the heat before you arrive, or walk your dog etc..
Mountain Home Watch ServicesP.O. Box 4373
Camp Connell, CA 95223-4373
Sandi Pearce
phone: 209/795-7618
mobile: 209/595-9562MileHigh
ParticipantWe are looking for someone to come clean our cabin in BTV on occasion. We keep things pretty tidy, but sometimes it needs some extra help, especially after guests have gone and we can’t come up to clean. (Our guests usually leave things in ok shape, but we’d rather not wonder about it.)
Any suggestions?
ParticipantWe have seen a Coyote for the 3rd time in a week. Cutting across property between Pawnee and Karock, heading down the hill. Never still enough to get a picture but appears to be about 75 Lbs. Beautiful animal.
KeymasterMother’s day is usually a good time to see the dogwoods in full bloom in the park.
ParticipantHello Big Trees Community,
We were just up at the cabin for Spring break and were surprised to see so many dead trees. We thought that most of this carnage was due to the drought, as a few of our young trees have turned brown too. But, when we were down at Ace Hardware, the gentleman there told us about the dead trees in Blue lake Springs due to the bark beetle infestation. He is selling SPLAT, which is a repellant they believe to be effective, but needs to be applied now, the window of April – June. Because it is the spring, this is when the beetles travel to establish new nests, new trees! The product is a pheromone that will keep the beetle away from your trees, however, they may travel to your neighbors. – so spread the word! As far as we know this affects only the pines, not the cedars. Here is some info on Splat: quick drive through Blue Lake springs, and you will see all of the dead trees… I am afraid that they will travel our way. I have posted this here, so that we can all be informed and work together to protect our trees.
ParticipantThey’re in bloom at the church across the hwy from Quyle Kilns I saw yesterday!
ParticipantAny guess when the Dogwoods might start their bloom this season?
Frank -