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  • in reply to: Rental program and insurance #4192

    Thanks Skip,
    I will post any follow up.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4191

    Saw this in the BLSHA newsletter…

    Some great news regarding where to take your pine
    needles this year. Gene Miller is waiting for the delivery
    of a large Curtain Burner (CB) which will be handling the
    pine needles from here on out. Hope it will be ready to
    operate by April 1st but this will depend on when this
    equipment is delivered to Gene Miller. This is a
    permanent fix for the issue of where to take pine
    needles. There may be some days during fire seasons
    that CAL FIRE will ask Gene not to use the CB. If there are multiple days in a row, Gene
    may have to temporarily stop taking pine needles till CAL FIRE allows him to use the CB
    again. Knowing this, it would be wise for all that can to get your yard work done for your
    CAL FIRE Inspection date (June 1st). After this time, there very well could be days that
    Gene can’t take pine needles. The first of July, Ultra Power will no longer take our material.
    Gene chips and hauls to them; they are going solar we hear. So most all yard waste material
    will have to be run through the CB after this date; therefore, when CAL FIRE stops Gene
    from operating his CB he very well may have to close his yard for the days he is shut off
    from using the CB.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4190

    Bear Valley Area Snowmobile Riders

    Is a Facebook page that covers what’s going on with the snowmobile community, in and around Bear Valley.

    We’re having a great season this year!

    in reply to: Rim Trail Conditions #4189

    Essentially no snow along the trail but that won’t last long. Rain for a few days, then probability of some snow.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4188

    There is a new coffee place on the hill located in “downtown” Avery. Coop’s Coffee has been open for about 3 weeks now. The coffee is excellent and I hear the food is excellent as well. There is a drive up window or you can park and walk inside. I find it handy on my way back to the Bay Area. After depositing my trash at the Avery refuse site, I cruise up to the drive up window and get a cup for the trip home. Check it out! Here is a link to their Facebook page:

    in reply to: Rental program and insurance #4186

    We’re using Century 21 to manage our rental, started in 2012. It mostly sits unoccupied, but rents out winter weekends (starting this year because the ski conditions were so poor the last 3 years) and summers. Made two changes to our insurance (Allstate):

    1. Converted the regular Homeowner’s Insurance to a ‘Landlord’s package’. I can’t tell you exactly what changed without looking into it, but it wasn’t a huge premium change.

    2. More importantly, added the Big Trees property to our Umbrella Policy for a small fee. I didn’t realize we had to do this, figured the Umbrella covered us, not our home. But it was a small price to add a large liability coverage for anything that might happen to our guests, should they decide to sue us for something, e.g. slipping on ice.

    in reply to: K. Dye–Painter #4185

    Yes, Kevin is indeed still in business. I hear he has been really swamped with contacts lately so he may be a bit behind in returning calls.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4184

    I’ve been trying to contact Kevin Dye for the past week with no success. Is Kevin’s painting business in operation?

    in reply to: Missing Person, Arnold #4183

    I am glad that he has been found. Based on the description I could swear that I saw him at Ace Hardware yesterday.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4182

    We have gone back and forth over the last couple of years regarding the placement of our house into a rental program. The last time I talked about it with our insurance company we were told that they would not insure the house if it were in a rental program. I am not sure if there is a difference between a permanent rental versus letting it out through a realtor for short term renters.

    Our question at this point is for those of you who put your house into a rental program how do you handle insurance?

    Thanks for any feedback.


    in reply to: Missing Person, Arnold #4181

    Don has been found safe.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4180

    Coming up for the week and, looking at the weather, thinking of bringing the mountain bike. How’s the rim trail? Lots of snow left in the shade or is it pretty clear?

    Thanks much.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4179

    From Sheriffs Office, Nixie

    Alert: Missing Person: Don Peterson 79 year old male 511 175 red bbcap whi tshirt jeans. Last seen: Rim trail Arnold.

    Calaveras County seeks your help in locating a missing person:

    Missing Person: Don Peterson 79 year old male 511 175 last seen wearing red bbcap whi tshirt jeans.

    Last seen: The Arnold Rim Trail by logging museum

    missing person Don has a small dog tan and whi terrier named Danny with him

    If you have information that can assist in helping safely locate Don Peterson please call 911 or contact the sheriff 209-754-6500.


    If you have seen this missing person please call Calaveras County Sheriff at 209-754-6500

    in reply to: On the road today in honor of Dave Edney #4178

    Very nice of you to post, Sandi. We have friends in the Bay area who were friends with Dave who drove up for the service yesterday. Sounds like he was a remarkable man who will be missed by many.

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #4177

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