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  • in reply to: Deck Permit #2181

    Permit and plans..I can draw your plans and have the engineering for you done. A complete package for submittal @ $1000.00 Let me know.I am a general contractor and work with a great engineer.

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2180

    The worst thing about snow loading is the impact loading of it sliding off your roof. I know of a couple of nearby decks built long ago that were quickly sheared off the house by snow. The connection to the house is critical, unless the deck is designed to be free standing.

    20 years ago, when I design my deck, the County only required 120 psf (pounds per square foot) snow load but the Snowshoe Springs HOA recommended 240 psf. That’s equivalent to about 20 feet of snow at 20% water content.

    Would be interesting to know what load the county requires now. I also understand if you build something without a permit, they can double your permit fee (after the fact). Let’s hope they waive that.

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2179

    No, none of my cabin was engineered except the trusses. I just looked at other cabins to see how they did it and asked a lot of questions. Figured if the county didn’t like it they would say so. But everything passed just fine and it didn’t cost me anything except the permit fees.

    I used Corel Draw…as I recall I was able to superimpose a scale grid and snap lines to the grid at the points I needed.

    I see you have already found someone to do this for you but I’m answering your questions anyway in case someone else wants to go the DIY route. I really enjoyed the process of designing my place.

    in reply to: Dorrington Timber Harvest Plan #2178

    That’s too bad about Mike…we wish him well.
    The last time I talked to him about the fire break, he said they were behind because of the Rim fire (last year). Their mills are backed up 1-2 years processing the wood cut there.
    The trees around Big Trees that are marked in orange are supposed to stay and yes, they are the bigger, healthier trees. According to Mike, the area will look much like the area along hwy 4 going to Bear Valley. It’ll look horrible as we go through the process, but will look very nice and open when it’s complete.

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2177
    Camp Con

    Sorry. My mistake. Rob Westerhoff was in Murphys when worked on my project, not Arnold.

    in reply to: Dorrington Timber Harvest Plan #2176

    We contacted the SPI forester who spoke at the meeting at the Rec Center last year. By email he sent the following response: The project has been delayed while I am undergoing treatment for cancer.
    I anticipate the THP will be submitted this fall of 2014.
    Operations may not commence until 2015/2016/2017. This is all dependent on log supply coming off the RIM fire salvage operations.
    It is too early to tell where the project would begin. That schedule is not determined until we bid the job and have a contract logger Signed up.
    Many of these logistics are determined much closer to the startup of operations which is 1-3 years out.
    Let me know if there are any further questions.
    Mike Fascilla Sonora District Forester, SPI
    End of his words…
    My take is ,, First of all, we wish the very best for him. He is a very good guy. After the meeting he voluntarily came to our house because of our concerns with SPI bordering 2 sides of our property.
    For those of us bordering SPI, the Bad news is no fire break. The Good news is no severe thinning, noise, dust etc…. yet. The “near” clear cutting will not be near residences. That spotty heavy harvesting kind of provides provides the income to SPI to pay for the selective cutting near cabins to provide fire break AND to continue a healthy forest. They LEAVE the Red marked trees which are the larger trees, spaced 20 – 30 feet to reduce fire jumping the tops. Sounds good, BUT EVERYTHING else goes to either the chipper mil or the lumber mill, right down to the ground. Some is good, some is bad, but,,, it is their property and we knew that when we purchased.

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2175

    I’m on a similar project right now. M/M drafting of Arnold did my plans and related engineering. Very good detailed drawings. Mark is easy to work and will do a good job for you.
    I’m told the codes have changed requiring great snow load requirements on decks. You will want to take that into consideraton who ever you use.Good luck.

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2174

    Thanks Camp Con. I found an architect in Sonora and he will do the plans, and he works with an engineer in San Andreas. According to him, I will have everything I need for a permit when we’re done. I tried to find a local architect but Rob Westerhoff didn’t show up on any web searches. Now that I know his name, I found him! According to his website, he is in Murphys now.

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2173
    Camp Con

    For my situation the county required drawings, and engineering calculations for the deck from a state registered professional engineer. They said this is required for decks because of heavy snow load potential.

    Rob Westerhoff, an architect in Arnold, did the drawings. His work was very professional and reasonably priced.

    I don’t have a recommendation for the engineering part. So, like I said, get price quotes for that.

    It hope it all works out good for you.

    in reply to: Mountain Lion Sighting #2172

    It is the trail that goes from Shoshone down to a point where there is a clearing and past the left into the woods toward, if you keep going straight in the clearing the trail veers right into the clearing about 100 yards there. Here is the google maps url:,+Stanislaus+National+Forest,+Camp+Connell,+CA+95223/38.3070923,-120.2532996/@38.3048969,-120.2578626,806m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8090ae838be2b569:0x61f9858d16b625b8!2m2!1d-120.256727!2d38.302803!1m0

    in reply to: Mountain Lion Sighting #2170

    Hi Mike,
    Where on Chumash is the camera?
    We are also on the Chumash Circle, but now I am worried about sending my pups out on the lot in the morning. They often go down to that fire road, which I am assuming is the trail here?
    Thanks for this exciting video!

    in reply to: Mountain Lion Sighting #2171

    Hi Mike,
    Where on Chumash is the camera?
    We are also on the Chumash Circle, but now I am worried about sending my pups out on the lot in the morning. They often go down to that fire road, which I am assuming is the trail here?
    Thanks for this exciting video!

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2169

    @sspmoose – Thanks for the info about drawing my own plans. I could do it, but unfortunately right now I just don’t have time. I would much rather take photos of the deck and have someone else draw the plans. It would be fast and easy to take pictures and make labels describing what everything is using Photoshop. But the county wants plans scaled where 1/4″ = 1′. What graphics art program did you use for your plans?

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2167

    @sspmoose – Thanks. I’ve been there and that’s where I got the specs for code. Did you have your deck engineered?

    in reply to: Deck Permit #2166

    @Camp_Con – Any recommendations for engineering?

    Seems like your previous owner should have been responsible for a permit on your deck unless he or she disclosed that it was built without a permit when they sold it.

    As for our place, it had a deck at one time but it was hit a tree and rather than fix it, the previous owner had it removed. The previous deck also had several dry-rot issues.

    Actually since there was a deck before and I replaced it with a deck the same size and up to code, I wasn’t expecting to need a permit. Most of the decks around here are about ready to fall down. Go figure….

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