
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Alternate Future BigTreesTech #5157

    I have added a menu item at the top of the page which opens a page with links to the alternate FaceBook and NextDoor alternative community forums.
    Please do not contact me (joe, aka bigtreestechman) regarding these alternative forums as I have nothing to do with them.

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5149

    For Facebook users I have created a page: “Big Trees Raves” Might be an alternative for those trying to get onto Nextdoor (I am having difficulty, it keeps sending me to my flatland Nextdoor page).

    in reply to: Alternate Future BigTreesTech #5148

    For Facebook users I have created a page: “Big Trees Raves” Might be an alternative for those trying to get onto Nextdoor (I am having difficulty, it keeps sending me to my flatland Nextdoor page).

    in reply to: BigTrees Talk #5147
    jebediah jake

    Tried to log into my webcams and Nest but both are offline. I checked to see if PGE was reporting any power outages in the area and they are not. Does anyone have any idea if there is a Comcast outage in the vicinity of Ottawa and Crow?

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5145

    The following is an email I just received from nextdoor

    Hi Linda,

    I’m John from the Space Coast in Florida and as a Volunteer Nextdoor Lead/Community Expert I’m available to answer your support ticket quicker than going into the normal Nextdoor support queue (up to a 48-hour wait for a response).

    Sorry to hear there’s a problem with verification.

    Here’s other verification options:

    OPTION A: A verified Nextdoor member in that neighborhood can contact Nextdoor and verify you reside or have property in the neighborhood:

    1. Navigate to https://help.nextdoor.com/customer/portal/email…
    3. Fill out the online form then Select “SEND EMAIL.”

    OPTION B: A verified Nextdoor member in that neighborhood can also contact a Nextdoor Lead listed at https://nextdoor.com/directory/leads/ who can “immediately” verify you under their “Verify Neighbors” List.

    OPTION C: You can provide a document to prove residence or ownership (e.g. a property deed, rental agreement, utility bill…). Closing documents are accepted after the actual closing has occurred. If you want that option, I can forward this support ticket and Nextdoor can contact you within 24 hours to submit a copy.

    Can you please try one of those verification options?

    Kind Regards,

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5144

    Can Adam and I join if we don’t live in the Big trees Subdivision?
    Jessica Snider

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5143

    I just tested sending an invite and will let you know if that’s makes things smoother.

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5142

    You can email Nextdoor with a PDF copy of anything official that shows your service address. Water bill, phone or cable should work. You have to wind your way through the support tab on Nextdoor, but eventually there is a place where you can email and add an attachment.

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5141

    I am having the same problem as Buckgoody. I put in the cabin address. My phone billing address is my Camp Connell post office address, however, that didn’t work either.
    If we use our (flatland) home address, can we have access to the bigtreesvillage.nextdoor forum?

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5140

    The “nextdoor” community site may not work for me. I’m a weekend warrior without a local phone. I tried to register for the site but they require you to verify your address with either a local phone (registered to your local address), postcard, or credit card (registered with the local address). None of which I have or care to obtain. Please let me know if someone knows of another solution.

    in reply to: New Community Forum #5139

    Everytime I try to get to bigtreesvillage.nextdoor.com and register it takes me to my home Alameda nextdoor of which I’m a member. Any ideas out there on how to register for a second nextdoor community?

    Thanks, Joe, for providing the wonderful website all these years.

    in reply to: Web Site #5138

    OK, Thanks Sandi (SierraSentry.Com) for the link. As far as I am concerned, the replacement for the BigTreesTech forum will be (unoffically).

    There will be no transfer of user information from BigTreesTech to any other entity so you will have to create a new account with nextdoor.com. In fact, come early March, all user account information will be permanently deleted from BigTreesTech.com.

    Since the forum will soon be disabled, this information will soon be posted on the main page of BigTreesTech.

    in reply to: Alternate Future BigTreesTech #5137

    There is a Big Trees Village Neighborhood on Nextdoor.com that could function as the forum.

    in reply to: Alternate Future BigTreesTech #5136

    We are trying to get more clients on our page. We try to include videos of the weather too. I have been using Weather underground for Dorrington which seems very reliable. We also have some clients that aren’t sure if they need a plow or not. We don’t mind going by and checking free of charge. Friend us on facebook! Thank you Joe for puttting our name out there for people to use.
    Adam and Jessica Snider

    in reply to: Road Condition and Berm Heights #5133

    Finding the snow line today at 1pm

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