It’s Working!

UPDATE 3/1/18 @3:30PM

I’m pretty stoked.  The depth measurement system is at 329mm which is 1.08 ft.  Compares well to the snow pole visual (it did at the time)


UPDATE: 1/14/18 @ 5:02 PM

After another several hours of debugging I think, maybe, possibly, the new snow depth service is actually working.  I found several problems that were not being reported in the debug logs but I think I’ve got them all fixed.

FYI, as of now, the snow depth is reported in mm.  There are 25.4 mm per inch so (for the time being) if you see a value of 50, that is a little less than 2 inches.


After several hours debugging this morning, it seems to be working.  You can see the data (not much yet) at this address:

Don’t bookmark that address yet as it is only temporary.  Over the coming weeks I will be integrating the snow data into the main weather page.


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